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Coffee or Tea?

Coffee or Tea?

The British don’t spend a day without tea, the Italians quickly drink a coffee at every corner where they can find a coffee shop and we consume both with equal pleasure, depending on the time and the mood. But what are their benefits and which one benefits us the most?

Coffee: the…watchful guard

A cup of filter coffee provides our body with a good dose of caffeine, which can exceed 120 mg, while instant coffee can reach 100 mg of caffeine and espresso 80 mg (due to its smaller amount) – which means that with a cup of coffee we are quite far from the 300 mg of caffeine that is considered an excessive amount. Also, apart from caffeine which is its main ingredient, coffee contains natural antioxidants, with the most important substances being polyphenols (flavonoids).


-Its polyphenols protect our cells from free radicals and from the oxidative stress to which we are subjected every day.

-Its antioxidant action also extends to our protection against type 2 diabetes, arthritis, heart disease and various forms of cancer.

-When consumed within normal contexts, coffee affects our nervous system and can improve our mental abilities, leading us to alertness.

-The caffeine it contains fights fatigue and increases our concentration, stimulating our brain and increasing dopamine levels.

-It works against migraines, due to caffeine, which interferes with the contraction and expansion of blood vessels. (In large quantities, however, it can have the opposite effect).

-According to research, it reduces the risk of Parkinson’s in those who consume it – in particular, they have a 3-6 times lower risk.

-It activates the intestine and is good in cases of constipation, while at the same time reducing the risk of gallstones and cirrhosis of the liver.

Tea: a…delicate habit

Its caffeine content reaches clearly lower percentages compared to coffee and varies from 30 mg to 100 mg. The truth is, of course, that there is more caffeine in tea leaves than in coffee beans, but more coffee beans are used to make a cup, so the coffee ends up having more caffeine. The types of tea are white, green, “Oolong” , black and red, which differ in the preparation and processing of its leaves, with green tea being more beneficial due to its high content of antioxidants, with catechins as protagonists, which have 4 times more antioxidant activity than vitamin C.


-Its antioxidant action plays an important role in the prevention of cancer, but also in reducing the risk of its occurrence.

-The catechins found in green tea prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which can lead to atherosclerosis and, by extension, cardiovascular problems.

-In addition to catechins, tea also contains other antioxidants such as vitamin C and minerals such as selenium and zinc, which increase its antioxidant and generally beneficial effect, stimulate our immunity and protect us against diseases.

-Research suggests that green tea can boost our metabolism and lead to fat burning, although other studies do not accept this finding.

-In normal amounts, it can act against tooth decay, due to its fluoride content, while it fights bacteria.

-Its antioxidants also protect the liver from toxins and help in its normal function.

-Its theanine causes relief from anxiety and has a calming effect.

-Soothes headache, as its nutrients relax the brain’s blood vessels.

-It reduces the likelihood of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s due to its antioxidants that reduce antioxidant stress, responsible for a number of diseases.


Maybe it’s the way you start your day, with a hot cup of coffee, like many other people do.

Coffee is an acidic beverage (having a pH of about 4), but it has been found that consumption in moderation can help prevent certain cancers and diseases due to its detoxifying effect on the blood.

But: Alkaline coffee is fermented before the coffee bean is roasted, with Ganoderma and thus becomes Alkaline and healthy!

What does acidic ph mean?

According to medical science, the pH of the human body is 7.35-7.45 which means it is slightly alkaline.

An acidic ph can result from emotional stress, toxin overload, immune reactions, or any process that deprives cells of oxygen and other nutrients. Obviously, eating a diet that is too acidic can alter ph levels to a degree. The body will try to compensate for the acidic ph level by using stored alkaline minerals. If the diet does not contain enough minerals, a concentration of acids in the cells will be transferred and deprived of oxygen. This can reduce the body’s ability to absorb additional minerals and other nutrients, thus reducing energy production in cells, reducing the ability to repair damaged cells as well as the body’s ability to detoxify heavy metals. Cancer cells also grow and multiply and the body is more prone to fatigue and illness.

Many of the foods we eat create an acidic environment in our body, which slows down the metabolism and absorbs energy, making us more prone to diseases and putting on weight more easily. Για μια πιο υγιεινή διατροφή, αλλά και για να χάσουμε βάρος θα πρέπει να καταναλώνουμε περισσότερες αλκαλικές τροφές και λιγότερες όξινες.

If coffee is a daily habit for you, then the healthy Alkaline Coffee with Ganoderma–tsai-c-1_3.html gluten-free is a coffee that is definitely worth knowing about because it contains vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and trace elements, and on the other hand it can significantly help prevent and protect your body.

Ganoderma is a mushroom, but not a common mushroom.

It is a medicinal mushroom, and indeed the most important of all since it has the largest scientific literature as well as the largest annual number of new publications.